Monday, August 31, 2009
These are slick
Batman Arkham Asylum
Usually I'm not too much of a fan of superhero games (except for the Spiderman series), however this game is looking pretty sweet and I'm contemplating copping it at some point. Check out the vid and see what you think.
Reebok's Got To Stop!!!!

Now I'll admit....when the Reebok Ex-O-Fit first hit the internet with pictures of it's black, pink, and red colorways I was a little intrigued. I thought, "Hmm...this shoe might not be so bad." But then I saw some more detailed pictures and saw them in person....FAIL!! However, the shoe still hadn't quite reached "o my God will somebody put it out of it's misery" status. That is until now! What is this Reebok x Atmos collaboration with the glow in the dark sole and star galaxy colorway all about??? I mean I know the Air Yeezy caught a lot of head turns with the glow in the dark sole, Reebok, but it ain't for everybody! Please just stick to the Omni Pumps and Reverse Jams in the future. Opinion stated.
My Female Pet Peeves (Revisited)

If you recall last time I was sounding off on how I feel about women and the clear bra straps. Well....I'm back for another installment! lol In this case, however, I'm having a bit of a problem with the chipped fingernail polish. Ladies!!! Can we PLEASE just remove the nail polish once you start to see that it's not holding up anymore??!!! UUUGGHHH!!! Sorry for that, but I like to give you all an InSite as to the inner workings of my head and how I feel about some things. lol
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Quote of the Week
Monday, August 24, 2009
What was I thinking??!!!???

I know I don't have too many followers, but this questions been on my mind for a while and I thought I'd ask people for some feedback just because I'm curious and I think it's a funny topic....What's one item of clothing that you own and when you look at it today, if u haven't already gotten rid of it, makes you say, "What was I thinking??!!!" Mine would have to be a pair of black and red AJF 5s. I don't know WHY I bought them, but I did. And now I regret it. lol. I need to sell them and try and get some kind of money out of this BLD. lol. What's yours??
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Hot Re-Release!!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Popcorn Theatre: American Beauty

I LOVE this movie! I think Kevin Spacey is great in this 1999 dark comedy about a man going through a mid-life crisis as his daughter searches to find herself, and his wife looks for alternate means of excitement. If you haven't by now....please check this one out. It's certainly one of my favorite movies. Enjoy...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Unacceptable Behavior

I saw a woman at work wearing a strapless top with a bra that had clear straps. This is definitely one of my pet peeves with women along with chipped fingernail paint but that's another post all in itself. lol. But anyway....what's the point of the clear bra strap????? I mean....WE CAN STILL SEE THE BRA STRAP!! So what's the point in making it clear? lol. If you just HAVE to wear the wrong bra with your fit, then you may as well just wear a colored one that matches the fit or something. UGH! Who thought these things were OK to wear as a substitute for having the wrong undergarments and a way to "get one over" on the public like we won't notice the "invisible" strap?? lol Sorry for the rant.....just had to get my opinion out there. I know someone out there agrees with me.
Sneaker Word of the Week: Deadstock

Deadstock basically means that the shoe has never been worn and still has it's original packaging and all that jazz. It also tends to refer to shoes that are no longer being produced and are extremely limited in quantity at this time. Typically these are shoes that are gonna cost you a pretty penny. lol
Monday, August 17, 2009
Wedding Season Midwest Tour: Stop #1...Ware/Torres Wedding
Wedding Season Midwest Tour: Stop #1...Ware/Torres Wedding from Jason LaFlore on Vimeo.
The wedding was great! Congratulations to Megan and Steven! Here's to many years of marriage bliss!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
For those who don't know..."Heartless" is one of my favorite songs...
The FRAY - Heartless from IE HAGY on Vimeo.
and this cover by The Fray is pretty good, and I'm loving the video.
Friday, August 14, 2009
How He Get Them????
I had to get up with my boy Rob as he "got in that box" and unleashed the Air Jordan True Blue 3s!! Enjoy tha post!
Popcorn Theatre: The Out-of-Towners

This 1970 film starring Jack Lemmon and Sandy Dennis is a very funny and lighthearted comedy. It follows an Ohio couple as they embark upon New York and do their best to survive a night in The Big Apple. I highly recommend this movie, and it's great to watch during a nice movie date at home with ur significant other. Enjoy!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Give this man some business!!!!
Sal Masekela must be on crack!
Now I like the TK Supra (only in the purple and the black/red colorways), but this statement is outlandish! Especially when spoken in reference to the TK colorway he is holding in his hand as he says it! lol
Tell me again how this is a good story??.....

So I just watched "The King And I" and all-in-all I guess I'd say I liked it. However there is one major issue that bothers me about this movie/musical. HOW THA HECK IS THA KING JUST GONNA DIE AT THE END???!!!! What were Rogers and Hammerstein on?? I mean....this white English woman comes to Siam to "teach" and all she does is educate a few people, confuse the king, turn one of his females against him, and then consequently become the death of him when she decides to leave! All I could really come away with after I saw the moie was this one thing: white women may be great, but they'll surely be the death of you! lol. That goes out to all my fellow men who are looking for a little snow bunny love. Enjoy, but watch out! Or you'll end up like Yul Brynner!
I gotta find a way to get my hands on these!

Revolver 2009 Fall/Winter Collection
Working closely with Ed Banger’s art director and renown artist So-Me, Japanese streetwear brand Revolver returns for another season of bold graphics and cut-and-sew apparel. Fall/Winter 2009 features a good amount of graphic t-shirt designs, all created by So-Me, along with denim and outerwear items, highlighted by the brand’s clean-cut varsity and baseball jacket interpretations. via hypebeast
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Quote of the Week
"If you smuttin' you can't say nothin!'" - Myself
Sneaker Word of the Week: Vulcanized

Vulcanization refers to a specific curing process of rubber involving high heat and the addition of sulfur or other equivalent curatives. It is a chemical process in which polymer molecules are linked to other polymer molecules by atomic bridges composed of sulfur atoms or carbon to carbon bonds.
Vulcanized soles are very popular for skate shoes as the vulcanization of the sole helps to make soles more resistant to impact and offer more comfort to the wearer. Supra Skytops and Vaiders are just two examples of shoes with vulcanized soles; along with the upcoming Nike Auto Flight.
Kid Cudi Album Art
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
This Was My First Pair of J's!

And now it's a car. lol

An Air Jordan 3 R/C Camaro was spotted at Kulture Klash show, where cars meet art. The car was done by Jack Chin, a well respected artist in the art world who decided to lace the Camaro Coupe in cement side paneling and fire red accents. It’s with no pun intended when we say that no car on the streets is “remotely” close to this car. Whileas you may not be able to hit the steets in a life size model of this Air Jordan 3 Camaro anytime soon, one thing is for sure is that this concept is sure to drive any sneakerhead crazy. What do you think of this product and if it were available, would you buy? via theshoegame
Monday, August 10, 2009
Fall Leaves Mean Fall Sneaks

If you don't know about Clae and the Clae Russell, then consider yourself informed as of NOW! The Clae Russell is one of my favorite shoes because, though it is a sneaker, it still allows you to have an air of sophistication while wearing a sneaker. It is definitely another great "after five" sneaker. Now Clae has released a wool version of the Russell just in time for the fall. You can cop 'em at select retailers such as...well.....I'll let YOU figure out where to cop 'em. lol. Can't be giving away ALL the secrets! But I will say you might want to buy them half a size bigger than you normally would. Claes run a little small.
Artist Spotlight: Luke Chueh

Born in Philadelphia, but raised in Fresno, Luke Chueh (pronounced CHU) studied graphic design at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obipso where he earned a BS in Art & Design (Graphic Design concentration). He was employed by the Ernie Ball Company, working in-house as designer/illustrator where he created several award winning designs and was featured in the design annuals of Communication Arts and Print Magazine. Meanwhile, he also created, produced, wrote, designed, edited and published "E.X.P.", a 'zine dedicated to the "Intelligent Dance Music (IDM)" genre.
In 2003, Chueh moved to Los Angeles to further pursue a career in design. However, a lack of employment opportunities left him resorting to painting as a way to keep busy (a hobby he picked up while attending Cal Poly). He got his start when the Los Angeles underground art show, Cannibal Flower, invited him to show at their monthly events. Since then Chueh has quickly worked his way up the ranks of the LA art scene, establishing himself as an artist not to be ignored. Employing minimal color schemes, simple animal characters, and a seemingly endless list of ill-fated situations, Chueh stylistically balances cute with brute, walking the fine line between comedy and tragedy. Chueh's work has been featured in galleries around the world, and some of his paitnings have also been reinterpreted into vinyl toys.
Check out more of his work at www.lukechueh.com
Heyday Follow-Up
Same list of shoes, but I just love how he has his entire collection behind him....SICK!!!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
What Time Is It?

I never really noticed this until after reading this article. But apparently watches and clocks are generally placed at 10:10 when on display. And here is the reason why...
First things first, let’s get the myths out of the way. There are plenty of people out there who think that clocks in advertisements and in-store displays are set this way memorialize Abraham Lincoln/John F. Kennedy/Martin Luther King Jr. because that was the time at which they were shot or died. In reality, Lincoln was shot at 10:15 p.m., and died the next morning at 7:22 a.m., JFK was shot at 12:30 p.m. CST and was pronounced dead 1 p.m. and MLK was shot 6:01 p.m. and pronounced dead at 7:05 p.m.Another theory has it that 10:10 was the time that an atomic bomb was dropped on either Nagasaki or Hiroshima, and the setting is in memory of the casualties. The Fat Man bomb was actually dropped on the former at 11:02 a.m. local time and the Little Boy on the latter at 8:15 a.m. local time.
The real reason for the setting? Aesthetics. The 10:10 position gives the clock or watch a number of benefits:
• The hands not overlapping, so they’re fully and clearly visible and their styling can be admired.
• The arrangement of the hands is symmetrical, which people generally find more pleasant than asymmetry, making the product more appealing to customers.
• The manufacturer’s logo, usually in the center of the face under the 12, is not only visible, but nicely framed by the hands.
• Additional elements on the face (like date windows and secondary dials), usually placed near the 3, 6, or 9, won’t be obscured.
According to the folks at Timex (who set their products at 10:09:36 exactly), the standard setting used to be 8:20, but this made the face look like it was frowning. To make the products look “happier,” the setting was flipped into a smile (occasionally, you’ll still see the 8:20 setting on some clocks or watches where the manufacturer’s logo is at bottom of the face above the 6).
via Mental_Floss
Saturday, August 8, 2009
BLD:Clinton Portis's Blonde Hair
Friday, August 7, 2009
Popcorn Theatre: The Graduate

Those who know me know that I can be quite the homebody at times. So I figured what better way to express that to everyone that to have a weekly post about great movies to rent and watch at home, whether it be a lone or with a significant other?!
In this case we have The Graduate (1967). This American comedy-drama is an amazing film. It follows the post-grad life of Benjamin Braddock, played by a young Dustin Hoffman, and chronicles his summer after graduation and the "situation" he finds himself in as he contemplates his next life move. I don't want to get too involved in what the movie is about because I'd hate to spoil it, but just know that it involves a "cougar affair!" If you haven't seen the movie I highly suggest that you rent it from your local movie store or library and enjoy all that it has to offer!
Sneaks 101: PF Flyer

PF Flyers are a brand of shoes that are currently manufactured by New Balance. They were first produced by BF Goodrich in 1937. (Now how crazy would that be if you could just walk into your local tire dealership and snatch up a pair of the hottest sneakers out??? lol That's essentially what that would be like today.) They had popularity in the 1950s and 1960s, but lost steam during the '70s, '80s, and '90s. TThe brand was purchased by Converse in 1972, but later had to be sold off when the US government filed an antitrust suit claiming that if both companies combined they would have a monopoly for sneakers.
New Balance bought the rights to the brand in 2001 (which had been dormant since 1992) and resurrected it in 2003.
"PF" stands for Posture Foundation. Developed in 1933, this patented insole technology set a new standard in sneaker comfort. The insole technology was first used in BF Goodrich shoes. It involves a wedge-like insert that moves weight to the outside of the foot, evenly distributing weight, reducing leg strain. As the success of the sneakers with the Posture Foundation insole technology grew in 1937 it became the basis for the brand name, "PF Flyers."
In the 1930s and early 1940s PF Flyers was making sneakers, as well as oxfords, boots and heels. Sport styles by PF were very popular in the 1950s, renowned for helping you "run faster and jump higher."
PF Flyers had the first collaboration between a sneaker company and pro athlete in the 1950s, when they teamed up with Bob Cousy, the famed Boston Celtics star to created a string of classic basketball designs.
By the 1960s, PF Flyers was one of the largest sneaker brands in America. Today, PF Flyers Center Hi's are often confused with Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars. "You and I....we are not the same!"- Malice of The Clipse. Anyway.....hope you found this post to be rather informative. Stay tuned for the next installment of Sneaks 101.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Great Way To Spend A Day Off
Air Jordan 60+ from Jason LaFlore on Vimeo.
Quote of the Week
Barbara McKinzie Is "Waxin' That A$$!!!"

Members of Alpha Kappa Alpha, the nation’s oldest sorority for collegiate and professional black women, are asking a D.C. court to remove the group’s national leadership and order its president to return funds allegedly paid in contravention of the organization’s bylaws.
The group’s national president, Barbara McKinzie, has come under fire for a long list of alleged financial misdeeds. The most interesting of those allegations: The plaintiffs claim McKinzie used the organization’s money to commission a $900,000 “living legacy wax figure” of herself.
McKinzie could not be reached for comment.
Eight members of Alpha Kappa Alpha filed the complaint in D.C. Superior Court on June 20 “to restore their beloved sorority to its former high standards of governance, corporate transparency and active member communication,” according to the complaint itself. Click here to read entire article.
Oh...and check this out to see McKinzie's response. You just can't make up stuff this funny! lol. How are you just gonna use your organization's money to make a wax statue of yourself??!!! She claims she didn't though. I feel like this one just pushed AKA back another 35 years. Well.....prolly not cuz they were doing alright back then I think. lol
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
This Is Old, But I Love It & Never Got To Post About It!

I SOOO wish I could have taken this course in college!!!
What Is Really Going On??

Apparently you can't even go enjoy yourself at your local gym anymore. A Pennsylvania man ran into his LA Fitness with four guns and fired 36 shots killing four people and wounding others. His victims were women in an aerobics class. Apparently he targeted them because of some ill feelings he had towards women due to the rejection he's received from them over the years. That's just a shame really. I mean...taking something like that out on innocent people while their simply trying to work out?? The world is crazy, folks. Read here for more information on the event via CNN.
Mother Nature Sure Knows Her Stuff

The Supra Thunder is part of the Supra Fall '09 lineup. Pretty hot shoe if I do say so myself. I'm a fan of the Skytops, the Vaiders, and a couple colorways of the TKs (which they shoulda kept at black/red and the purple colorways!) however these Thunders may have eased their way up to second place behind the Skytops. These black ones are sweet, and the blues (not pictured) aren't too shabby either. And for a $68-$90 price tag, depending on the colorway, they're worth looking into in my opinon.