Those who know me know that I can be quite the homebody at times. So I figured what better way to express that to everyone that to have a weekly post about great movies to rent and watch at home, whether it be a lone or with a significant other?!
In this case we have The Graduate (1967). This American comedy-drama is an amazing film. It follows the post-grad life of Benjamin Braddock, played by a young Dustin Hoffman, and chronicles his summer after graduation and the "situation" he finds himself in as he contemplates his next life move. I don't want to get too involved in what the movie is about because I'd hate to spoil it, but just know that it involves a "cougar affair!" If you haven't seen the movie I highly suggest that you rent it from your local movie store or library and enjoy all that it has to offer!
You don't even LIKE movies :-p