I saw a woman at work wearing a strapless top with a bra that had clear straps. This is definitely one of my pet peeves with women along with chipped fingernail paint but that's another post all in itself. lol. But anyway....what's the point of the clear bra strap????? I mean....WE CAN STILL SEE THE BRA STRAP!! So what's the point in making it clear? lol. If you just HAVE to wear the wrong bra with your fit, then you may as well just wear a colored one that matches the fit or something. UGH! Who thought these things were OK to wear as a substitute for having the wrong undergarments and a way to "get one over" on the public like we won't notice the "invisible" strap?? lol Sorry for the rant.....just had to get my opinion out there. I know someone out there agrees with me.
or just don't wear a bra........