I SOOO wish I could have taken this course in college!!!
Although the symbolic educational term 101 has been thrown around liberally in sneaker circles, Pittsburgh Pensylvania’s Carnegie Mellon University has legitimized the term with its official sneaker based class, Sneakerology 101. Yes that’s right, a university level course dealing with sneaker culture on the whole. Ranging from its roots in the 1970s to its shaping by hip-hop, the internet and basketball among other factors, the course covers the overall impact of sneakers on a worldwide level. The class utilizes Bobbito Garcia’s Where’d You Get Those? for reference as well as various sneaker-based websites. Evaluations include a mid-term project pertaining to the design of a sneaker, incorporating elements acquired along the way. Interested parties can sign up for the class’ next session set for Spring of 2009. via Hypebeast
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